Useful Sources to check
The more information you can provide us with , the better the chances of success. In general , there are a number of sources that you should check before submitting an application to the centre.
Ancestors Death Records:
In some countries death records contain the names of the parents of the deceased. Death records also give an indication of the year of birth of the deceased.
Newspaper Death Notices & Obituaries:
Some biographical details on your ancestor, including his/her Irish county of origin and the names of surviving brothers and sisters may be contained in a newspaper obituary published in the local paper after your ancestors death.
Ancestor’s Marriage Records:
Your ancestor may have two records of marriage, namely a civil and a church record. Each may contain different details, so both are worth checking.
Oral family history & family documents:
Your relatives may have some useful documents including memoriam cards, correspondence from relatives, or a family Bible containing important family dates.
Census Returns 1901 & 1911:
All people residing in Ireland during this time should appear on these.
Army/Navy/Convict/Naturalisation records:
If your ancestor served in the army/navy services, or was transported or naturalized, biographical details such as place or year of birth, parent’s names etc. may appear on such documentation.
Wills & Deeds:
These may also contain including names and addresses of relatives remaining in Ireland.
Burial & Cemetery Records/Memoriam Inscriptions:
May contain additional information to death records.